All those lovey-dovey, mushy mushu emo feelings, all surrounding my atmosphere, the feeling of being adored, and love by my partner, and my constant affection towards her. Do I really want that? YES I DO!
Love is a very funny thing. Not even getting near the word "RELATIONSHIP". My thought is this, at this age of mine, relationship is no longer about losing and dying for the one you love, but is more about practicality. Can you still afford to sacrifice what you have already establish so far in life, just for a girl who probably is just starting out in life. Is very difficult.
Will you still be able to provide the security to her with all this constant change of careers and life direction. It is rather quite impossible.
Every stages in life, takes on a different challenge. When you are young, love is simple, is about you loving for the coolest guy, or the guy that sweep you off your feet. Maybe the girl that is the most popular in school.
And as age is catching up, we start to move into the work force. Careers and vision in life becomes a concern, status and financial power will be a gauge to your success. Influence and relationship will be a constant battle in everyday life.
And needless to say, as we start hitting our 30, it is the time we start to think of marriage and settling down. What we have is no longer important. But we really desire the companionship with someone we love, and will love us back.
In that sense, I do feel the 30 is hitting soon, maybe I do plan ahead too much, but still age will still catch up, and by the time you realize it, you have wrinkles popping out, and eye backs as deep as the blackhole. And I do really desire a companionship. someone who will love me for who I am, and I will too for her.
But I am yet to meet that person.
What ever it is, one thing is for sure, constant self growth is always vital. And I never believe that you should ever stunt your growth for anything in the world. A good self preparation for seasons and challenge is life is always essential. When things starts to happen, we are always ready to conquer.
Will I guess thats it. Keep the faith and hope for the best. God will provide, because He always do. =)
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