Monday, March 23, 2009

Keyboard for Blonde

Read this on Nat's blog. I can't resist I just need to blog about it!

The all new keyboard for blonde. I am dead serious. Check it out at

I can so imagine how it would sound like.

"I am sooooooooooooo having a ZZZD. Help! IDK how to ditch him. He even thought that he could be my NBF! Like, hellooooooooooooooooo. I am, like, TC4S okay. Anyway, enough about him. I was at the mall that day, and I saw *exaggerated gasp* SOS! I was like, OMG! I ALI! LOL. Well I'm so-o-rry for HABM, but it's, like, PT! *giggles*"

ZZZD = boring date
IDK = I don't know
NBF = new boyfriend
TC4S = too cool for school
SOS = shoes on sale
OMG = oh my gosh
ALI = absolutely love it
LOL = laugh out loud
HABM = having a blonde moment
PT = party time

Thanks Nat for sharing =P


krizZz said...

LOL i love it! i dont mind having one! hahaha

Jeffrey Choong said...

Haha... Go get it! I think they do ship it ot UK. =P