Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm free!

While everyone is busy packing up their school bags, getting ready for school. Mum busy preparing breakfast. Bus drivers roaming around the housing area. Dad starting his car, while trying to put his briefcase next to him on the passenger side.

While all this things are happening, I am...

Sleeping! haha... Why? Cause I am on leave today! While everyone is getting ready to start their busy day, stuck in jams, and all. I am on my comfy bed, snoring away.

But anyhow, I just can't sleep in too much. By the time it hits 8am, I am quite awake already. But no matter what it will be a fruitful day!

I have all the things I want to do listed out!

So I'm going to gambate to get all of it done!


michelleho said...

5. Attend Baby Safa's birthday party.
6. Get ready for work the next day.

Jeffrey Choong said...

haha... tak jadi d la.. sigh... Car trouble ne..