Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm having weird feelings


You know how it feels sometimes, when you see other people becoming couples, and everyone is happy for them. Well don't get me wrong, I am not sad or anything. But I just get that little weird feeling in my body, that how I wish I have one as well.

Well, of course I do how to get married and settle down... But it is not just yet.

I want to earn lots and lots of money. =P But will let's get realistic. How much money can a person earn. I was just talking to my mum that day. How nice if I am earn 1Mil a month. haha... Wouldn't that be super awesome!

Lately I bump into a website that exports drift cars and performances cars internationally, and is based in Japan. All mod and tuning is being done is Japan. Well, Japan man... the birth place of drifting! Do go check it out

Lately I have been thinking hard, how to earn more money, and Eng Kim and I is embarking on a mission to revive Mesmor is a website setup by Jarance, Kelvin and I previously, but it had to close down due to lack of time and resource. But now it will work I am sure of that. Mesmor will be a platform for our abundance wealth!

A few more ideas I have. That needs thorough thinking and planning, but I am thankful to have Eng Kim. haha... He is always a great support! The way we are made by God, really compliments the way we work, I do all the thinking, ideas and planning, he executes it. And he is super good with that!

I am bless! I am busy! I have no time! BUT I am getting rich! In Jesus' Name!!

And I will get married 1 day! =P

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